InterDigital’s Thought Leadership Featured in IEEE’s Smart Sensors: Making the Internet of Things Soar
IEEE’s The Institute has published a special report on the Internet of Things (IoT), including a Smarter Sensors article. This article features thought leadership from InterDigital’s Chonggang Wang, who is a Senior Engineer researching machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and developing the architecture, protocols, applications, and other enabling technologies for the IoT. According to Wang the full potential of the IoT can be reached if it is SMART (Scalable, Monitored and managed, Adaptable, Reliable, and Trustworthy).
Chonggang Wang is also a Senior IEEE Member and Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
To learn more about our vision of M2M/IoT, search for “M2M” on the InterDigital Vault.