The development of tactile screens opens new perspectives for co-located images and haptic rendering, leading to the concept of “haptic images.” They emerge from the combination of image data, rendering hardware, and haptic perception. This enables one to perceive haptic feedback while manually exploring an image. This raises nevertheless two...
In this paper, we propose a new format for haptic texture mapping which is not dependent on the haptic rendering setup hardware. Our “haptic material” format encodes ten elementary haptic features in dedicated maps, similarly to “materials” used in computer graphics. These ten different features enable the expression of compliance,...
With the growth of virtual reality setups, digital sculpting tools become more and more immersive. It is now possible to create a piece of art within a virtual environment, directly with the controllers. However, these devices do not allow to touch the virtual material as a sculptor would do. To...
Electroencephalography (EEG)-based emotion recognition is currently a hot issue in the affective computing community. Numerous studies have been published on this topic, following generally the same schema: 1) presentation of emotional stimuli to a number of subjects during the recording of their EEG, 2) application of machine learning techniques to...
Technicolor has been investigating how Mixed Reality technology could impact the future of home entertainment. We have designed and implemented a system to extend a standard TV experience with AR content, using a consumer tablet or a headset. A virtual TV mosaic is displayed around the TV screen and used...
This paper investigates the role of the embodiment in an immersive video experience. A system allowing to play back omnidirectional videos enhanced with real-time 3D content is presented. It enables the user to be embodied in an avatar and to interact with 3D objects added to the video. A user...
With the explosion of Virtual Reality technologies, the production and usage of omni directional images (a.k.a 360 images) is presenting new challenges in the domains of compression, transmission and rendering. The evaluation of the quality of images generated by these technologies is therefore paramount. As the exploration of 360 images...
Immersive videos allow users to freely explore 4 π steradian scenes within head-mounted displays (HMD), leading to a strong feeling of immersion. However users may miss important elements of the narrative if not facing them. Hence, we propose four visual effects to guide the user's attention. After an informal pilot...
Adding the sense of touch to hearing and seeing would be necessary for a true immersive experience. This is the promise of the growing "4D-cinema" based on motion platforms and others sensory effects (water spray, wind, scent, etc.). Touch provides a new dimension for filmmakers and leads to a new...
Between the recent popularity of virtual reality (VR) and the development of 3D, immersion has become an integral part of entertainment concepts. Head-mounted Display (HMD) devices are often used to afford users a feeling of immersion in the environment. Another technique is to project additional material surrounding the viewer, as...