Waveguide based optical combiners for Augmented Reality (AR) glasses are integrating several Surface Relief Gratings (SRG) whose pitch sizes can be as small as 200 nm for the blue wavelength. All SRG components exploit the first diffraction order to couple in and out or to deviate the light. We present...
Machine learning/ Deep learning /Artificial Intelligence,
Image processing
In recent years, we have seen the development of integrated plenoptic sensors, where multiple pixels are placed under one microlens. It is mainly used by cameras and smartphones to drive the autofocus of the main lens, and it often takes the form of dual-pixels with 2 rectangular sub-pixels. We study...
In this work we propose a solution for the creation of a nanojet focusing component based on a combination of two dielectric materials capable of managing the position of the focused beam in the near zone. We demonstrate that the double-material design of the elements of metagratings can be used...
Plenoptic cameras enable a variety of novel post-processing applications, including refocusing and single-shot 3D imaging. To achieve high accuracy, such applications typically require knowledge of intrinsic camera parameters. One such parameter is the location of the main lens' optical center relative to the sensor, which is required for modeling radially...
This chapter presents the Integrated Lens Antenna (ILA) technology as it evolved since its introduction aiming to respond to the needs of emerging applications such as high-data-rate communication, intelligent transport, and mm-wave imaging. The topics covered include the ILA design concepts as well as the electromagnetic phenomena intrinsic to dielectric...
Wearable optical technologies are emerging to keep users safe, powered-up and entertained
Light field imaging is recently made available tothe mass market by Lytro and Raytrix commercial cameras.Thanks to a grid of microlenses put in front of the sensor, aplenoptic camera simultaneously captures several images of thescene under different viewing angles, providing an enormousadvantage for post-capture applications,e.g., depth estimationand image refocusing. In...