<p><em>Collaborative research effort between InterDigital, Philips, and Technicolor targeting video delivery and encoding secures significant industry partnerships</em></p>
<p>InterDigital, Inc. recently announced at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) 2022 show the successful adoption of the <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> technology solution by several industry partners. Produced by collaborative research contributions from InterDigital, Philips, and Technicolor <a href="https://advancedhdrbytechnicolor.com/"><em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em></a> is a branded suite of high dynamic range (HDR) production, distribution and display solutions that leverage machine learning to maximize the image quality of any HDR format. Specifically, <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> is helping to shape the video delivery landscape through the development and adoption of ETSI standards to enable increasingly immersive video.</p>
<p>Alongside several live demonstrations of the <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> end-to-end distribution solution with industry partners at NAB, InterDigital and Philips also showcased <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor’s</em> new and unique “round-trip” feature that automates the SDR-HDR and HDR-SDR conversion processes for live TV and post-production operations while maintaining fidelity of the original content. Displayed at the Cobalt Digital booth at NAB, this groundbreaking feature was awarded the TVB Europe Best of 2022 award.</p>
<p>In addition to the introduction of this critical new “round trip” feature, Sinclair Broadcast Group also <a href="https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220421005714/en/Sinclair-to-Bring-Superior-Video-Quality-to-the-World-of-Sports">announced</a> plans to leverage the suite of <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> solutions to help elevate high quality sports programming to more closely match live sporting experiences.</p>
<p><span style="color: #652e8e;"><strong><strong>InterDigital and <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em></strong></strong></span></p>
<p>InterDigital’s leading-edge research and industry partnerships address key challenges in the evolution towards more immersive video experiences through the adoption of HDR technology. InterDigital’s partnership with Philips leverages our unique research expertise to shape the technologies included within <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> and position it for greater adoption in the U.S. and new HDR delivery opportunities in Brazil, China, and across the EU.</p>
<p>The suite of technologies presented by InterDigital and Philips within <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> continue to evolve to meet the needs of industry to support the delivery of HDR content for live events and broadcasts. Content is a critical component of the video ecosystem, and as consumers begin to expect more immersive video, the ability to preserve a content creator's original intent in standard dynamic range (SDR), while also delivering high-quality HDR content, helps democratize access to immersive viewing experiences. This makes <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> even more valuable, as it can format both SDR and HDR content without compromising the viewing experience of each unique viewer, regardless of device capability.</p>
<p>To encourage adoption of <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> by the broadest group of industry and business partners, InterDigital and Philips continue to actively support a variety of technology integrations and field trials, including technology demonstrations at conferences like NAB.</p>
<p>Learn more about <em>Advanced HDR by Technicolor</em> <a href="https://advancedhdrbytechnicolor.com/">here</a>: </p>
InterDigital Celebrates Successful Showcase and Adoption of Advanced HDR by Technicolor Solutions
Jun 2022/ Posted By: InterDigital Comms