Unpacking the Potential for ISAC

Unpacking the Potential for ISAC

Unpacking the Potential for ISAC
Webinar / Jun 2024

As the 6G vision becomes clearer, researchers continue the critical work of innovation and exploration of the technologies that will make 6G capabilities real. Among its novel capabilities, 6G will introduce the integration of sensing into communications network, which enables the network to use its radio signals to act as a radar and sense or comprehend the physical world around it. Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) enables the network to better understand the data of its environment which can also be leveraged to enhance the network’s own operations to enhance and empower a variety of services and exciting potential for 6G.

This webinar will feature perspectives from early 6G market influencers and leaders exploring the potential for this early building block for 6G, including several leaders from the ETSI ISAC Industry Specification group, to discuss the benefit and impact of these pioneering capabilities for new services, verticals, and enterprises.
