Immersive / AR/VR/MR,
Light Field,
Volumetric Imaging,
Machine learning/ Deep learning /Artificial Intelligence
Recently, learning methods have been designed to create Multiplane Images (MPIs) for view synthesis. While MPIs are extremely powerful and facilitate high quality renderings, a great amount of memory is required, making them impractical for many applications. In this paper, we propose a learning method that optimizes the available memory...
["Volumetric Imaging",
"Machine learning/ Deep learning /Artificial Intelligence"]
We present a novel learning-based approach to synthesize new views of a light field image. In particular, given the four corner views of a light field, the presented method estimates any in-between view. We use three sequential convolutional neural networks for feature extraction, scene geometry estimation and view selection. Compared...
Representation of 3D scenes is gaining popularity in industry, notably for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 360° Video. The point cloud format is well suited for such representations. Indeed, point clouds can be created with a simple capture process and modest processing, enabling a real-time, end-to-end point cloud distribution chain....
Representation of 3D scenes is gaining popularity in industry, notably for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 360° Video. The point cloud format is well suited for such representations. Indeed, point clouds can be created with a simple capture process and modest processing, enabling a real-time, end-to-end point cloud distribution chain....
Presentation of Light Fields pipeline for Immersive Video Experiences
Light field acquisition devices allow capturing scenes with unmatched postprocessing possibilities. However, the huge amount of high-dimensional data poses challenging problems to light field processing in interactive time. In order to enable light field processing with a tractable complexity, in this paper, we address the problem of light field oversegmentation....
360° video, supporting the ability to present views consistent with the rotation of the viewer's head along three axes (roll, pitch, yaw) is the current approach for creation of immersive video experiences. Nevertheless, a more fully natural, photorealistic experience - with support of visual cues that facilitate coherent psycho-visual sensory...
Light-field (LF) is foreseen as an enabler for the next generation of 3D/AR/VR experiences. However, lack of unified representation, storage and processing formats, variant LF acquisition systems and capture-specific LF processing algorithms prevent cross-platform approaches and constrain the advancement and standardization process of the LF information. In this work we...
The quantity and diversity of data in Light-Field videos makes this content valuable for many applications such as mixed and augmented reality or post-production in the movie industry. Some of such applications require a large parallax between the different views of the Light-Field, making the multi-view capture a better option...
In this paper, we present a complete processing pipeline for focused plenoptic cameras. In particular, we propose 1) a new algorithm for microlens center calibration fully in the Fourier domain, 2) a novel algorithm for depth map computation using a stereo focal stack, and 3) a depth-based rendering algorithm that...
In this paper, we introduce a novel graph representation forinteractive light field segmentation using Markov Random Field (MRF).The greatest barrier to the adoption of MRF for light field processing isthe large volume of input data. The proposed graph structure exploits theredundancy in the ray space in order to reduce the...