IDCC at MWC19 Panel Series Feeds  |  InterDigtal Booth Demos at MWC19

Updated on February 28, 2019 at 4:56 PM CET

Te Mananers band link to Facebook

We met them pretty much by accident, we were looking for a demo to do with a video company we were in collaboration with and the folks at that company suggested streaming video from some local band playing around Barcelona. We got them to come play our booth the last day, getting guest passes for what appeared to be an incongruous bunch of folks for a mobile industry trade show. Their name is The Mañaners, a made-up word that loosely translates as “The Tomorrow Guys,” which is kind of what we try to be too.

One wearing shorts and gray-brown dreadlocks to his waist, one porkpie hat-wearing guy with an accordion. A six-and-a-half-foot tall Brazilian carrying a miniature Latin percussion set and a wearing a smile that beams like a thousand suns. Two horn players, who would walk around as they played, forming an impromptu conga line. A Chilean percussionist who would slap a box for rhythm and punctuate each performance with a flamenco dance delivered with a mix of abandon and austere seriousness.

They drew an enormous crowd and we were transfixed. They’ve now been our Mobile World Congress band for seven years. Seven years! And, in a trade show world where what you did last year generally gets thrown out the next and entire pieces of furniture are built, installed, and chucked in a dumpster after five days, every year we grow closer together. We like to innovate at InterDigital and the band were an innovation; we were certainly the first company at Mobile World Congress to bring a band in and close each day with a little beer-sprinkled show, and I know this because I recall the negotiations with show staff about sound levels, their representative standing next to our booth with a decibel meter.

Why a band? It started out as, “they draw a crowd, so great.” But over the years it’s become more than that. We have people who come every year to see them, planning some of their MWC agenda around our end-of-day event. It caps off a hard day with some energy, for everyone, our booth staff and our guests. They’ve recorded a song for our employees.

But it is still more than that. One of our regulars, a Dutch lady who works for a global telecom company, said it best after Tuesday’s show: “This trade show is all about electronics, beep boop beep, robots trying to teach us how to smile, but these guys are so human. They’re the most human thing about Mobile World Congress.”

Fundamentally, this is what our industry should be about. We at InterDigital call it “Creating the Living Network,” but what does that mean? It means that the network becomes more alive each year, growing in capabilities, becoming more autonomous, more capable, more enmeshed with our lives. But it also means that the entire purpose of the network and of our devices is to enable our living, enable us to become more human, not less. We’re part of the living network.

This year, there was competition. We were nervous. The neighboring booth, one of the largest telecom companies in the world, had picked up on the band thing and had a very slick production, a lounge singer in a magnificent cocktail dress and a bowtied DJ who was presented as “an international artist.” The lounge singer sang perfect notes. The DJ programmed some electronic beats.

The contrast was incredible.  Fede took to our stage with his beaten-down Spanish guitar and dreadlocks swaying, his singing almost primal. The horn players lifted their instruments, which convert human breath, not digital signals, into music. The rhythm section laid down a Brazilian/reggae beat, smiling at each other. The only binary option was the black and white of accordion keys… and the crowd began to abandon the lounge/DJ act and gather around our booth. After a couple of songs we had about 60 people swaying, heads bobbing, beers in hand, while the lounge act was down to a half-dozen attendees, likely booth employees. Even at a trade show about technology, the human still wins hands down.

- The InterDigital Communications Team

Updated on February 28, 2019 at 12:34 PM CET

Recap post: Open Source - Collaboration is the Key

In much the same way as 5G has caused players throughout the industry to rethink business and technology models, it has created a shift in thinking in the areas of technology licensing and open source. "Gone are the days when we think 'open source' means free. That's not telecom, that's 20 years ago with a completely different movement," said Arpit Joshipura, general manager for networking & orchestration of the Linux Foundation. Joshipura was speaking on a panel discussion this week at MWC19, hosted by InterDigital, on the subject of what role open source will play in the evolving 5G ecosystem.

What open source means today has been redefined in the 5G context, according to Joshipura. The goal, he says, is to "establish governance, policies and practices that foster collaboration based upon the need of the project. As we move into different areas of the network, and as we move into different areas of technology, if the governance is set up properly, you get the best of both worlds."

Fostering collaboration is a worthy goal for any industry, yet it's not always easy, when licensing agreements are enmeshed with global standards and a broad range of companies. New models will necessarily evolve and allow this collaboration to flow more smoothly while respecting the needs of standards bodies, patent holders and licensees.

In particular, open source software (OSS) licensing will play a role in fostering collaboration, while complementing the initiatives of standards organizations. The moderator of this panel at the InterDigital booth was Axel Ferrazzini, managing director of 4iP Council. This organization recently produced a white paper on this topic, which can be found HERE. The paper states:

"Given that most standards development organizations (SDOs) have pre-existing intellectual property rights (IPR) policies based on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) access to essential patents, a key challenge for SDOs has therefore been to determine how OSS licensing could coinhabit with SDOs’ existing IPR policies. This has led to considerable discussion and debate and some confusion."

It's a new but essential challenge facing the industry, particularly for the mobile network operators, as the radio access network is moving toward being more open in the future.

"In order to get that dream realized, our whole industry needs to work together to find a sustainable future together," said Dr. Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies for China Mobile Research Institute. "We are facing a great brand-new opportunity. Finally, we are at a point where we are seeing true deep convergence of information, communications, and electronics technology."

Linux Foundation’s Joshipura added historical context. "This is a 142-year-old industry," says Joshipura. "It was never open since the phone was invented, but in just the last three years we have completely transformed from a walled garden to an open architecture."

"Nobody can beat shared IP and collaboration," Joshipura added. "No single vendor is smart enough or has the hundreds of millions of dollars of R&D to create this ecosystem. Collaboration is king."

- The InterDigital Communications Team

Updated on February 28, 2019 at 11:42 AM CET

Moving From Visionary Views to Using This to Fix That

As we did last year, we’ve been hosting media partners at our booth – major media names in the wireless space who use our booth’s soundstage to host interviews with some of the leaders of our industry. Our media friends this year were Light Reading,, TelecomTV, and The Mobile Network, and we’re grateful for the value they bring to our booth.

Today, Ray Le Maistre of Light Reading interviewed Luis Jorge Romero, Director General of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and an interesting topic came up. Mr. Romero mentioned that, among the newest areas that ETSI is being asked to look at is standardization of the communications for vessels and port authorities around the area of shipping.

You would think there would be one way for a diversity of shipping companies, public authorities, ports and other players in a massively important industry to communicate. In fact, there are not: “Right now there are a variety of point solutions but no standardized method of communications, and the result is less efficiency than there could be,” said Mr. Romero.

It was surprising to hear IoT, which is generally expressed in such vague, “visionary” terms, explained so directly and clearly in relation to specific use case. Imagine though, an industry that is so crucial, so pervasive, so global, and that cuts so horizontally across all industries from agriculture to energy to manufactured goods: if even a 5% efficiency could be found, or 10%, imagine the global impact. We’re used to hearing people talk about how technology can transform the world. Here was an important person in our industry saying, specifically, it would be nice if we could use this to fix that.

That the topic arose also highlights the importance of standards bodies. Many vendors meet with many companies, and if we aggregate those meetings over time you end up with an industry conversation – and often a conversation that is characterized by vendors telling companies what problems they have (whether or not those companies share that concern) and what solutions they have for them. But in this case, it is a specific example of an industry with an issue reaching out to a body that represents another industry, which in turn can mobilize everyone to solving a problem that is real.

“The more we put the technology on the table and the more people engage, the more ideas we’ll have,” said Mr. Romero in his interview. Simply, and beautifully, put.

- Patrick Van de Wille

Live Video Feed: IDCC at MWC19 from Hall 7, Stand 7C61

Updated on February 27, 2019 at 3:15 PM CET

It is the nature of hot topics to be high on hype, and low on detail. The words “edge computing” have been incredibly hot at MWC19, and indeed InterDigital’s own booth contains not one, not two, but three demos looking at various aspects of edge computing. But to start fleshing out the topic, InterDigital also brought together some of the leading thinkers on edge developments, on a panel moderated by Bob Gazda, Senior Director, InterDigital Labs.

Experience the Recorded Panel Session >>

There is a great deal of excitement about edge computing and virtualization throughout the industry, and this fever is not likely to cool off anytime soon. This is largely because, at the most basic level, edge computing is really about a new way of thinking – a shift from a fully-centralized client/server network computing model and toward a model where certain network and computing resources are pushed further away from the core of the network, out to the customer equipment commodity servers and on-premise access points, and even into consumer, commercial and industrial devices themselves.

When this paradigm becomes a widespread reality, gone are the days where every request from a device has to travel all the way to the network core in order to be processed. Devices will communicate with each other, and will in effect communicate with the network itself. This is a major shift taking place in the industry, to put it mildly. It also represents a fusing of mobile network and basic IT, where specialized telecom equipment gives way to largely software- or cloud-based service operating on standard hardware like IT server rooms.

As with any major shift, there are challenges ahead that must be addressed. Some of these challenges are technical, some are regulatory, and some are business challenges.

What is driving this shift in the industry? What applications will require this kind of approach? First, there's an overall trend toward major improvements in latency, which is probably the single biggest overriding factor driving edge computing. When we improve latency and reduce delay, more things are possible – it has an unlocking effect.

"You can take existing cloud applications that run in the cloud happily, and bring them to the edge to improve their performance, latency and customer experience," said Dr. Rolf Schuster, Director of the Open Edge Computing Initiative. Alternatively, certain applications are what Schuster calls "edge-native" meaning that they need the edge or they won't work otherwise. "For example, a head-mounted display that actually needs the low latency in order to function... it wouldn't work otherwise," he said. "We're also seeing applications around drones and automotive that need the edge."

There's some confusion around just what is meant by "the edge," meaning where the border exists somewhere between the network and the device. Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA and Co-Founder of 5TONIC suggested that there probably will need to be multiple borders – there will be a first category of edge that is very close to the user (which he calls "extreme edge"); a second category of edge slightly further away from the user, probably in the base station; and there will also be the cloud. This three-layered model is important, he says, "because it will add huge flexibility to address many different types of applications."

In addition to flexibility, this layered model also leads to discussions of service-based architecture (SBA). As the design of the network shifts away from a core-network dependent model, SBA provides a path forward for the industry. "If you want to host services close to the end user dynamically, you can't stop at the mobile core network," said Dirk Trossen, Senior Principal Engineer, InterDigital Labs. "You have to include the radio access network, and the actual devices themselves as well."

It's important that the industry not forget about the "service" aspect of SBA. "Typically the telco industry has placed too much emphasis on functionality, which drives things toward this point-to-point type of architecture," said Todd Spraggins, Strategy Director of Oracle's Communications Global Business Unit. "What's been refreshing with SBA is the notion of having a service that's API-defined, that will let people use innovation to create or consume those services."

Experience the Recorded Panel Session >>

Finally, one of the most interesting and potentially disruptive aspects of edge computing and the fusion of mobile and IT is the potential industry transformation it may trigger. As Laurent Depersin, Director Research and Innovation for Technicolor's HOME Lab, points out, some edge services may not be provided by traditional telcos, and third-party providers will likely see the edge transformation as a trigger to enter the industry. "I see huge opportunities for verticals: transportation, energy, facility management," said Depersin. "Maybe we'll see new actors joining the market and trying to sell this new resource."

- The InterDigital Communications Team

Updated on February 27, 2019 at 8:23 AM CET

Our very own Alan Carlton – Vice President of InterDigital Labs – was honored to be included in a panel discussion in the mainstage auditorium complex here at Mobile World Congress today. The panel's topic was one on the minds of a lot of network operators these days: the economics of high-frequency bands. 

It's long been recognized that as radio access networks are deployed in these bands, network capacity increases greatly, but there's a downside too: high frequencies don't travel as far. Higher frequency networks will have to be much more densely deployed to ensure adequate coverage.

This session featured speakers from Huawei, T-Mobile, and Ericsson. Chaobin Yang from Huawei talked about technical considerations for decreasing cost per bit of data transmission and reception, and the balance that must be achieved between smaller equipment and larger antenna arrays, with massive MIMO being a very attractive option.  

Karri Kuoppamaki of T-Mobile provided an operator’s viewpoint, highlighting the need for a multi-band approach, with millimeter wave bands covering dense urban areas, mid-frequency bands for the broader metro area, and lower bands outside the metro areas. "Millimeter wave is not the only frequency band for 5G," he said.  

That approach was echoed by Thomas Noren, head of 5G Commercialization for Ericsson. Noren also emphasized a multiband approach, noting that such an approach allows lower frequency bands to carry more of the traffic that doesn't need high-band connections. Noren also reminded the audience of the fact that even an ultimate 5G deployment will probably include some 3G (and certainly some 4G/LTE) technology for the next several years.  

Joining Carlton on the panel were Dr. Li Fung Chang, the 5G program architect for the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan; and Tiago Rodrigues, general manager of the Wireless Broadband Alliance.  

In consensus with the other speakers and panelists, Chang stated that massive MIMO, carrier aggregation and spectrum sharing were going to be good techniques for the development of 5G, but that there are many practical issues to be considered as well.

Carlton discussed how InterDigital's 10-plus years of involvement in the millimeter wave spectrum has involved being strong proponents of a progressive roadmap in the millimeter wave space. "We very much believe in the economics of high-frequency spectrum," he said. "There's lots of reasons for that, mainly the applications: the fronthaul, backhaul and fixed wireless access are commercial products. You can go buy them and deploy them, experiment with them and become experts in millimeter wave technology through them."  

He went on to describe how when 5G new radio was first envisioned, it was never a one-part story that was going to happen below 6 gigahertz. The promise of 5G -- particularly the 100 Mbps bandwidth -- was always going to necessarily involve high-frequency spectrum working cleverly in concert with lower frequency bands. There simply was never going to be a way to achieve the demands of 5G without such an approach. 

Another important point to remember, Carlton said, is the cost of spectrum at auction has fallen dramatically. "Observationally, that spectrum is costing on the order of 40 times cheaper than sub-6Ghz spectrum," he emphasized. "If you marry that fact to the vision of 5G -- that we will one day get to the vision of a more open ecosystem in the RAN -- I think it paints a very positive story for the economics of millimeter wave and high-frequency spectrum's application."  

Where millimeter wave technology gets very interesting, in Carlton's view, is with regard to small cell technology. Carlton says that he sees two ways to approach this from an economic perspective. The first, he says, is to piggyback onto legacy small cell technology. With the majority of early 5G NR deployments happening in urban metro areas, the industry can effectively deploy millimeter wave small cells on the backs of LTE small cells. This will allow the carrier to manage the costs on a case-by-case basis instead of doing a massive infrastructure buildout all at once.  

The panel and presentations were technically focused, but taking a step back from the presentations one thing was clear. Unlike previous generations of cellular standards, which delivered a single, definable set of technology capabilities and spectrum requirements, 5G involves a broad variety of solutions, for a broad variety of use cases and mobilizing a diverse array of spectrum and network assets. For operators, and for equipment companies, that brings both risk and opportunity. Fascinating times ahead as 5G deploys over the next years.

- The InterDigital Communications Team

Updated on February 26, 2019 at 5:11 PM CET

At one time the world had reliable digital voice signals on mobile devices and 3G was under development and people wondered, “what’s the use? What need does it meet that’s unmet?” Then Apple revolutionized the handset form factor and made it a vehicle for web-based data, and the reason for 3G became clear. But then the world had solid web-based data to the phone and people weren’t 100% clear on what the use was for 4G. But then streamable video services and video enablement on social platforms became a thing, and the need for 4G was clear.

Right up to the launch of 5G, we’ve been hearing much of the same thing: “I can already get great HD video to my phone with 4G – what could we possibly need 5G for?” InterDigital hosted a panel on that topic this afternoon at Mobile World Congress, and we haven’t looked at a transcript or created a word cloud but one word kept coming back, over and over again that might offer a clue about eventual use cases: latency.

If you look at what we have today, we have reliable delivery of video, yes, but much of that video is pre-produced, encoded on servers, and when you click on it you get a pause, a little spinning circle maybe, and THEN you get the content. And you don’t care: a second or two to wait for the buffer to fill and the content you wanted to flow is irrelevant since you’re not time-bound. The process isn’t interactive: it’s request made and then request filled.

But it’s becoming clear that that won’t be good enough in a 5G world. The use cases that people are talking about – future workplaces, pure interactivity, real-time engagement and tailoring of remote content – needs the extremely low latency that 5G brings. Our own edge-and-fog 5G-Coral demo at MWC involves a phone interacting with a 5G edge server and controlling the view from a 360-degree camera, and the immediacy of the experience is startling. As a non-engineer, I’ll describe it as follows: we used to have demos that went along the lines of “see, you move the handset and now you can see the view moving to match it.” Our demo this year is more about watching the view change as you move the device. It has some 5G latency in it, maybe a touch more than what we’ll eventually see in 5G, but it feels immediate.

It’s not clear what the use case on that will be, but you can sense its possibilities: sports watching where you can dynamically change your view based on what you’d like to see during a live event. A virtual workplace that feels real. Remote doctors interacting with onsite medical personnel in real time. Group gaming that is simply a level beyond what we have today. But the sense is growing on me that the step-change from previous generations won’t be around speed, it will be about latency.

- Patrick Van de Wille

Updated on February 25, 2019 at 5:23 PM CET

Below you can read the report of the first panel we hosted at MWC19, on the topic of Immersive Video. It led me to some thoughts on how research streams eventually come together into an overarching solution that drives a new use case, a new business, a new experience.

The panel was discussing Volumetric Video and immersive experiences, with our guest from Fraunhofer mentioning 1.6 terabytes of data per minute. Do the appropriate napkin math, verified for me here by one of our very serious senior engineers, and that yields a bandwidth need of about 26 Gb/s to deliver an immersive view based on 4 screens at a time. You also run into latency issues, that need to be addressed, as well as computing resource restrictions – both of which are being addressed by edge computing and edge network technology.

Listening to the presentation, I was struck by how discrete research streams can come together at a point in the future to yield a solution. At the time folks are working on research, the use case can seem impossibly far out – and, let’s face it, it’s business innovators who generally come up with the business ideas, not necessarily research scientists. And research is necessarily specialized and highly involving. It can be tough to look up from it and see the linkages. For example, at some point different researches were working on location services, e-commerce, and communications technology, possibly only dimly aware of each other. At some point, those capabilities combined to form ride-sharing.

So here was a video researcher talking about 32 cameras yielding enormous amount of screens and data and requiring ultra-low latency. Thirty feet away, one of our teams was demonstrating a technology that provides a scalable method for selecting relevant immersive streams so that not all the screens need to be delivered to the device, saving bandwidth and computing resources. Fifteen feet away from that, our edge computing and connectivity people were showing a technology that enables large video streams to be processed at the edge, reducing latency to a minimum.

Eventually, it’s easy to see the possibility of all three technologies being implemented at once, in the same solution. That solution might be called immersive sports. It might be called the collaborative workplace of the future. And that’s how it all comes together.

- Patrick Van de Wille

Volumetric Video: Science Fiction or Reality? 

Updated on February 25, 2019 at 3:50 PM CET | WATCH THE FULL PANEL NOW >

Virtual reality and augmented reality have been scaling the hype curve for many years now. The technology is exciting and impressive, and filled with possibility. It is also still in a stage of development where it faces a range of very real technological challenges. But recent developments in immersive image and video capture and editing, coupled with advancements in display and streaming/distribution technology, appear to be drawing us all closer to a time and place where those challenges will be more completely addressed.

AT MWC19 in Barcelona today, a fascinating panel discussion took place around the topic of immersive video. Moderated by Gael Seydoux, Director of Research and Innovation for Technicolor, the panel was comprised of three executives at the forefront of technology development in this space.


One of the demos at InterDigital’s MWC19 booth is a volumetric photo booth, that uses a 16-camera array to capture depth and volume via parallax, providing an immersive experience without the need for headsets. "We need volumetric video today for VR experiences," said Valerie Allié, Technical Area Leader of Light Field and Photonics for Technicolor. "When you experience VR, you feel that something is missing, and what's missing is the volumetric effect, especially for real video. What we're demonstrating here at MWC19 is that volumetric video can be experienced on a smartphone or another 2D display, and you do have a different experience than standard video."

Allié's comments were contrasted by those of Mimesys CEO Rémi Rousseau, who discussed work his company was doing to develop real-world front-end applications for this technology – specifically, future workplace and collaboration capabilities. One such application is what he describes as a sort of "holographic conferencing" application – akin to the holodeck we may remember from Star Trek or the holograhic communications seen throughout the many Star Wars films. "We're fortunate to have 40 years of science fiction that shows us the path for volumetric communication," Rousseau said with a laugh. "We realized that the 'killer' use case for VR & AR is about communication, about presence, about the feeling of being there with someone."

While companies like Mimesys are doing their development work largely using off-the-shelf capture sensors like Microsoft Kinect, Dr. Ralf Schaefer, director of Research and Innovation at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, is taking a more academic and research-scale approach to solving these complex problems. Using a framework of immersive videoconferencing and a studio studded with no less than 32 high-resolution cameras, Schaefer and his team are working in part to define what volumetric video really means and how it can be applied.

"The problem with videoconferencing today is that you have a camera, which looks at you; and through the display you always look down because the camera looks above you," says Schaefer. "So we started to look at the problem of how we establish eye contact and correct the viewing angles to create a more realistic conferencing experience."

According to Schaefer, what "volumetric" really means in the video context is that you have a 3D model that's molded from computers, that can be manipulated and viewed from all sides, but using real people as the source imagery. This is all very complex, and these videos create mountains of data – 1.6 terabytes of data in fact for each minute of volumetric videoconference, according to Schaefer's research.

Not only is there a significant data management and bandwidth challenge, there's a processing challenge as well. "We're able to render any view on a subject with our video capture methods," says Allié. "If we reduce the number of cameras we use for capture, we can reduce the amount of time required to process the images." It's certainly a balance between image quality and processing speed/latency. The data processing challenges are fairly monumental still.

"Real-time processing is probably not feasible at the moment," says Rousseau. "It's too much data right now to achieve the very low latency we need for a truly real-time experience."

But the industry is working hard to overcome these challenges. The image quality is improving, and some hybrid experiments look promising for intermediate solutions. Part of the panel discussion involved a theoretical way that a high-resolution volumetric still image of a subject could be the basis for some computer-assisted animation. The highest quality images that can be captured today are usually captured in a highly-controlled studio environment. This indicates that consumer applications for volumetric video may be further away than those employed by the enterprise or industrial and entertainment sectors.

"We are confident that this technology could get to real-time capability in the future," says Schaefer "But it likely won't be in the home right away."


All in all, the volumetric video space is certainly going to be an interesting one to watch in the next several years, as improvements in image capture, bandwidth and latency help to carry what was once a science fiction fantasy into a very actual reality.

- The InterDigital Communications Team

MWC and Avoiding “Show of Everything and Nothing” Syndrome 

Updated on February 25, 2019 at 10:43 AM CET

Having been to Mobile World Congress yearly now for a period of well over a decade, I’ve seen this conference evolve. It has evolved alongside this industry, which is the most transformative industry the world has seen since… maybe since agriculture. And MWC has evolved beautifully: it is certainly the most interesting and impressive industry conference in the world.

And yet every year, that marveling at the incredible evolution of the show is accompanied by a sense of fear that this conference, which has grown enormous, will reach and exceed that point where a show simply becomes too big. What has saved this show from that fate has been the combination we see in the wireless industry of incredible diversity of solution but tremendous unity of purpose: to connect things, new things, better, faster, and more seamlessly.

My fear is rooted in seeing the evolution that has taken place at that other tech industry mega-show, CES in Las Vegas. There was a time when the consumer electronics industry was small enough and unified around a handful of themes: major home electronics, gaming and toys, home entertainment, perhaps some automotive. That made CES a great show. But then what we saw was the integration of electronics capability into everything, and so CES became a show about everything. Everything and nothing. One year, to get from a meeting to a wireless company booth visit, I had to cut across three halls showing exercise equipment, vacuum cleaners, plush toys that spoke, massage chairs, the car stereo section…

This year in Barcelona, I’ve seen the first possible stirrings of that. As we entered the convention center, one of the outdoor relaxation areas, with chairs and tables, was fully taken over by Husqvarna, the Swedish makers of everything from motorcycles to chain saws. The theme of the area was the company’s wireless autonomous lawnmowers.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with what I assume is a fine product. But if MWC becomes a show that includes companies that simple sell a product that includes a wireless connection, we’ll be in trouble. Because quite soon, the world will contain many, many products that include wireless connections. Drones. Windows. Scooters. Medical equipment. As our CEO Bill Merritt is fond of saying, in the future if something can produce some sort of data, it will be connected.

I’m not worried yet. Walking the halls and looking at the major demos, there’s still a unity of purpose that makes this show great, and the GSMA’s content people have uncompromisingly made the conference portion the highlight of the wireless year, with tremendous topics – some general, some quite technical, all relevant. InterDigital is lucky to have two people participating in that, the third year in a row we’ve been asked to speak. But every year I wonder how long we’ll be able to balance the continued growth of the industry and expansion of wireless into new areas with the focus that has made MWC great.

- Patrick Van de Wille

Live Updates from IDCC at #MWC19

Posted on February 25, 2019 at 9:00 AM CET

Greetings from Barcelona! Our team is here, and all are putting the final touches on everything in preparation for Mobile World Congress 2019. As with every year, there are many exciting events planned for the upcoming week, and we'll be writing about them here. If you haven’t already, you may want to bookmark this page to read updates from the show floor, and to watch our live video feed. As they are published, these posts will also be linked via our Twitter and LinkedIn pages, using the hashtags #MWC19 and #IDCCatMWC19.  

We're hosting a live panel series each day at our booth, featuring a global collection of industry thought leaders. More detail on these panel discussions and a list of speakers can be found at We'll post recaps, summaries and insights after each of those panel sessions, and other content as well.  

There will also be a live video feed from the booth available on this page during show hours all week.   

If you're at the show, be sure to stop by for a visit -- Hall 7, Stand 7C61 -- to see technology demonstrations of our radio and core network test beds, some new VR streaming technology, an emulator for researching autonomous vehicle safety via edge computing, and discussion of 5G standards work.  

We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy MWC19!  

- The InterDigital Communications Team


January 24, 2019 / MWC19 / Posted By: The InterDigital Communications Team

IDCC at MWC19 Panel Series Feeds  |  IDCC at MWC19 Live Blog Feeds

Stop by Hall 7, Booth 7C61 any time to meet with our world-class engineers, engage with our demos, and see what's activating the next generation of wireless and video experiences. We'll be showcasing ground-breaking demonstrations, including Edge Computing (5G-CORAL and AdvantEDGE), 5G Testbeds (Network and Radio), 5G Standards and Beyond, and Immersive Video and Video Standards.

5G Edge – Autonomous Drones on AdvantEDGE  

This demonstration highlights the benefits of Edge Computing combined with 5G Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) – to realize a Mission Critical Automation application vertical.  See how drones operate and interact autonomously in a dense urban environment, navigating obstructed views due to buildings by reporting telemetry and sensor information to an Edge-enabled Collaborative Collision Detection and Avoidance (DAA) service, deployed at the “extreme edge” of the network (e.g. point of access sites).   Learn how InterDigital realized this application and others utilizing our AdvantEDGE platform, an agile mobile edge emulation environment. 

5G-CORAL -- Virtual Reality Video Streaming

This demonstration highlights the benefits of micro-services based distributed computing at the extreme edge of the 5G network. Visitors will experience E2E 360 video streaming deployed cost-efficiently across three tiers of computing nodes (low, medium and high end) all under unified orchestration and control.  The demo features two 360-degree cameras, each capturing a separate event happening in a different area of the booth, and users can view video streaming from either camera location, using a smart phone or oculus rift goggles while consuming only a fraction of the bandwidth.          

5G Core Network Testbeds

See how InterDigital’s Service-based Architecture (SBA) platform is currently being deployed and evaluated in Bristol and Barcelona in multi-partner initiatives such as the Horizon2020 FLAME and the UK-funded Smart Tourism projects.  The demo will show performance benefits across the network through Layer 2 multicast, as well as the terminal.  These benefits include increasing the flexibility of network-wide service deployments as mobile applications install and facilitate dynamic mobile function offloading, which improves usability and user experience beyond current smartphone-centric applications.

5G Radio Access Testbeds

Learn how mmWave is a continuing part of the 5G evolution, from testbeds to new standards initiatives. Take a remote look at live demonstrations from our labs in New York, which showcase our 28GHz NR development platform with beam management between UE and gNB.  Get a firsthand view of our available research platforms including 60GHz Edgelink™, a NR Modem Processing Unit, and a 28GHz phased array Mast Head Unit.

360° Video Experience with Adaptive Streaming

This Joint demo of InterDigital Inc. and Technicolor Research & Innovation will showcase 360° video streaming from 13 pre-recorded camera views, each with 2kx2k color and depth, stored in HEVC video format in an MPEG-DASH server. Based on viewer position and orientation, seven camera views are adaptively streamed to the DASH client.  Video streaming segments are decoded, views are synthesized and rendered to display in real time at 30fps.  See how a Head Tracker tracks a human face, observe motion parallax, and use a joystick to track 360° video views.

Beyond 5G Standards Evolution

Learn about what’s happening in 5G Standards, and what's coming next for Beyond 5G technology.

Volumetric Photobooth

Volumetric content is the future generation of video that is generated by a set of multiple cameras, a Light Field Acquisition system.  Technicolor Research and Innovation will demonstrate image acquisition with a multi camera set-up, calculating a volumetric portrait that will be rendered on any smartphone for an immersive view experience. See how a volumetric video can lead to an immersive and interactive experience on a simple 2D screen, sensing depth and parallax, like watching a scene through a real window.

oneTRANSPORT® Data Marketplace

Data Exchanges and marketplaces are critical in collaboration and the creation of new Smart City services. This demo will showcase Chordant’s oneTRANSPORT Data Marketplace commercial service. We will demonstrate features, such as signing up for the service, uploading and downloading real-time and historical data, setting up licensing and monetary terms, open and selective sharing of data, visualization of data, and the creation of consumption and billing reports. One of the newest elements we will show is the consumption and sale of premium data from a large company that specializes in connected car services and transportation.

Smart City, a System of Systems

Smart Cities are complex ecosystems encompassing many players, subsystems, verticals, devices, types of connectivity, and services. Interoperability is key to tying everything together into a perfect System of Systems.  The Chordant platform, based on the oneM2M standard, is one such enabler of interoperability. This demo will showcase the use of Chordant’s platform in a smart city supply chain scenario. The demo will feature tracking of items at farms, in transit, at warehouses, refrigeration units, grocery stores, and restaurants in a manner that enables improved efficiency and quality assurance. Different types of devices, services and forms of connectivity will be featured, including Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and LPWA networks such as LoRA and NB-IoT.  

IDCC at MWC19 Live Blog Feeds  |  InterDigtal Booth Demos at MWC19

Stop by Hall 7, Booth 7C61 any time to meet with our world-class engineers, engage with our demos, and see what's activating the next generation of wireless and video experiences. We'll be showcasing ground-breaking demonstrations, including Edge Computing (5G-CORAL and AdvantEDGE), 5G Testbeds (Network and Radio), 5G Standards and Beyond, and Immersive Video and Video Standards.

Don’t miss our daily “CREATORS at MWC” panel series designed to move us to the extreme edges of the network and the brink of our collective imaginations. We’ve assembled some of the best and the brightest industry thought leaders -- representing China Mobile, European Broadcasting Union, Ericsson, FLAME, Mimesys, Network2030, Nokia, Open Edge Computing, Samsung, US PAWR, Technicolor, Telenor, Vodafone, 5G VINNI, 5G Smart Tourism, 5TONIC and others – to spark fresh ideas in-person and via webcast at   Our studio stage will also feature interviews and discussions with media partners, including Light Reading, The Mobile Network, TelecomTV and Digital TV Europe.  

CREATORS at MWC19 Panel Series
Live from Hall 7, Booth 7C61

Immersive Video: Augmenting the View 
Recorded on: Feb. 25, 2019 at 11:30 AM CET 

The nature of video experiences is changing, and technology is opening new dimensions. This panel will focus on the potential of Augmented Video for Immersive experiences as used in Light Field and videogrammetry capture setup and displayed in Virtual and Augmented Reality devices. Discussion will evolve around capture and editing specifications and use cases as much as the display constraints and distribution formats required to produce compelling immersive user experiences for video games and interactive/linear AR/VR/XR content. 

  • Valerie Allié, Technical Area Leader, Light Field and Photonics, Technicolor
  • Rémi Rousseau, CEO, Mimesys
  • Dr. Ralf Schaefer, Director, Video Division, Fraunhofer HHI 
Moderated by  Gael Seydoux, Director, Research and Innovation, Technicolor

How Far Can Edge Computing Take Us to a New Network Architecture?
Recorded on: Feb. 25, 2019 at 3:30 PM CET 

The edge computing and virtualization fever does not seem to be showing any signs of abatement. There seems to be quite some promise to take it further deep into the network architecture by leveraging the computing capability emerging in several new customer premise equipment (CPE) and user equipment (UE) such as vehicles, robots, and drones. Yet the challenges both technical and economical in taking this step deeper into UEs and CPEs are numerous, from technical considerations of mobility, volatility and heterogeneity to business and regulatory considerations of multiple providers (including the user), security and privacy. This panel will discuss how edge computing is becoming more pervasively distributed into the network including UEs and CPEs, what technologies are involved, what is wrong with today’s approach to edge computing, what value is there in driving this down to devices and what are the barriers to making this happen. 

  • Dr. Rolf Schuster, Director, Open Edge Computing Initiative
  • Laurent Depersin, Director Research and Innovation HOME Lab, Technicolor
  • Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA and VP and Co-Founder, 5TONIC
  • Todd Spraggins, Strategy Director, Communications Global Business Unit, Oracle 
  • Dirk Trossen, Sr. Principal Engineer, InterDigital and FLAME Technical Manager
Moderated by Robert Gazda, Sr. Director, Engineering, InterDigital 

How Will Open Source Play a Role in the Evolving 5G Ecosystem?
Recorded on: Feb. 26, 2019 at 10:30 AM CET 

Open source is reshaping technology adoption and is a critical driver for the transformation taking place in many industries. The emergence of SDN and NFV has fueled the growth of cloud-based services, and now with the convergence of information technology (IT) and communication technology (CT) the telecommunication industry is changing as well. Widespread adoption of open source projects such as the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) and O-RAN Alliance are now transforming the RAN. We’ll explore the role of open source in U.S. and European testbeds and its potential transformational impact on SDO, telecom business models and 5G innovation.

  • Raymond Knopp, President, OpenAirInterface Software Alliance
  • Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies, CMRI, China Mobile
  • Abhimanyu Gosain, Technical Program Director, Northeastern University College of Engineering and Strategic Member, OSA
  • Arpit Joshipura, General Manager, Networking & Orchestration + Edge/IOT, Linux Foundation 
  • Fred Schreider, Sr. Director, Engineering, InterDigital

Moderated by Axel Ferrazzini, Managing Director, 4iP Council


5G Network Trials: What Are All the Verticals Doing? 
Recorded on: Feb. 26, 2019 at 3:30 PM CET 

Many 5G trials are currently undertaken in preparation for the rollout and start of 5G throughout 2019 with a focus on showcasing the higher speeds that 5G originally promised. But the wider industry is also looking beyond those promises towards verticals such as media broadcast, transportation, rural rollouts and others but also preparing towards future beyond 5G efforts with experimentally driven research platforms. In this panel, we will bring together deployment insights from broadcasters, neutral host providers such as smart cities as well as European efforts on large-scale 5G trials and international efforts on large-scale wireless research platforms. We will discuss the approaches taken for trial deployments, e.g., based on white box approaches, as well as the use cases considered in those trials to shed light on what is there beyond an enhanced Mobile Broadband 5G Trial.

  • Dan Warren, Head of 5G Research at Samsung R&D Institute  (5GVINNI)
  • Darko Ratkaj, Senior Project Manager, European Broadcasting Union
  • Gael Seydoux, Director, Research and Innovation, Technicolor
  • Monique Calisti, CEO, Martel Innovate and Director, Next Generation Internet Outreach Office (FLAME)
  • Jim Burgess, Bristol City Council 5G Programme Lead 
Moderated by Dirk Trossen, Sr. Principal Engineer, InterDigital Europe

Beyond 5G: What is Coming Next? 
Recorded on: Feb. 27, 2019 at 3:30 PM CET 

The first set of complete technical specifications and solutions towards well-publicized 5G vision, aka IMT-2020 proposal, is due to be presented to ITU in WRC, October 2019. The recent shift of focus from research and development to deployment and commercialization of 5G systems concurrently unveils the “what comes next?” question embodied in an overarching beyond-5G vision (e.g. 6G). This panel will address fundamental questions pertinent to beyond-5G era such as shortcomings of 5G and whether a unified industry consensus on a beyond-5G vision has started to shape or not. Bringing together experts from core elements of technology generations, the panel will further explore the emerging pillars of beyond-5G including networks, terminal architectures, and radio, along with necessary evolution and disruption anticipated in each of these pillars. The panelists will shed light on beyond-5G inter-networking candidates, e.g. the ultra-flat network vision that radically alters conventional (including 5G) OSI stack; potential link-level connectivity disruptors in terms of new frequency bands, PHY, and beyond-Shannon ideas, and new device/terminal definitions that go well-beyond conventional, monolithic hardware/software device architectures, and role of AI/ML as a cross-cutting tool in beyond-5G.

  • Patrick Waldemar, Vice President Research, Telenor
  • Colin Willcock, Head of Radio Network Standardization, Nokia and Chairman, 5G-PPP 5G-IA
  • Mostafa Essa, RAN AI and Data Analytics Distinguished Engineer, Vodafone
  • Abhimanyu Gosain, Technical Program Director Northeastern University and Technical Program Director of US PAWR
Moderated by Alan Carlton, VP, InterDigital Europe

Hear from InterDigital senior leaders, Alan Carlton and Jim Nolan, on the MWC main stage.

MWC Main Stage Featuring InterDigital Executives
Tuesday, February 26th 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. 5G Deployment in High-Frequency Bands are Uneconomic
Alan Carlton, Vice President, InterDigital Labs
Tuesday, February 26th 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Cashing in on Industrial Data Conference
Jim Nolan, Executive Vice President, InterDigital

Learn what’s on the leading edge, leading up to mass 5G proliferation and activation in 2021 and beyond.

Stop by any time to meet with our world-class engineers, engage with our demos, and see what’s activating the next generation of wireless.  We’ll be showcasing ground-breaking demonstrations, including Edge Computing (5G-CORAL and AdvantEDGE), 5G Testbeds (Network and Radio), 5G Standards and Beyond, and Immersive Video and Video Standards, and there will be plenty in-store to excite your senses, including daily live music, featuring The Mañaners.

InterDigital Booth Demonstrations

  • 5G Edge –Autonomous Drones on AdvantEDGE
  • 5G-CORAL -- Virtual Reality Video Streaming
  • 5G Core Network Testbeds
  • 5G Radio Access Testbeds
  • 360° Video Experience with Adaptive Streaming
  • Beyond 5G Standards Evolution
  • Volumetric Photobooth
  • oneTRANSPORT® Data Marketplace
  • Smart City, a System of Systems

Learn More