Expert Discussion on “5G: What to Expect” Featured on EDN Network
EDN Network’s From the Edge recently covered an expert discussion on 5G technology held during Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. Alan Carlton, senior director of InterDigital Labs and head of InterDigital Europe, based in London, sat down with Dr. Liesbet Van der Perre, IMEC program director for wireless communications, and Dr. Rui Aguiar, a professor at the University of Aveiro and a member of the Board of the 5G Public Partnership Project (5GPPP), to discuss the future of 5G technologies and what we can expect.
Among other topics, the group discussed the requirements behind 5G technology, such as latency requirements, as well as the benefits of 5G over 4G, the current state of research and anticipated timeframes. Research is clearly underway, with a focus on collectively defining a vision for 5G. According to Alan Carlton, “Some of the key enabling building blocks are being developed today that will likely be big enablers in the 5G timeframe.” Timing is hard to predict, but these experts agree that smaller 5G systems could be expected as soon as 2020, with larger-scale commercial systems in the years following.
Watch the full discussion, or read the complete transcript on EDN Network's From the Edge. Visit the InterDigital Vault to learn more about our 5G research and technology.