InterDigital recognized in Mobile World Congress 2015 news
With the close of Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015, there has been an influx of media coverage surrounding the event. This post features post-MWC coverage on InterDigital and its commercial initiatives:
March 6, 2015:
ThinkSmallCell’s Mobile World Congress 2015 – Small Cell Report mentions XCellAir, a cloud-based, multi-vendor, multi-technology mobile network management and optimization solution, in their coverage on the planning and deployment side of small cells. To learn more about XCellAir, please visit
March 9, 2015:
Rethink Wireless’ Caroline Gabriel’s MWC round up article, “MWC: mobile shake-up looms, but not from 5G,” highlight’s InterDigital’s Peraso baseband system-on-chip as a notable solution for 60GHz WiGig and small cell backhaul solutions. Gabriel goes on to mention XCellAir in the new operators section as she discusses the role of cloud platforms to support a new generation of network.
In the latest post from the Dispatches from the Wireless Front blog on, the executive team of XCellAir discusses their business model and its relationship to the HetNet paradigm with the blogger, wirednot.
March 10, 2015:
Shortly following the MWC round up article, Rethink Wireless’ Gabriel published an article focused solely on InterDigital’s new product strategy. The article highlights the four key areas that our labs organization is focused on and our two most recent commercial initiatives XCellAir and, a data service exchange. To learn more about our labs, click here, and for more on, please visit