InterDigital Solutions’ Jim Nolan Talks 5G at TC3
InterDigital is an executive sponsor and key sponsor at the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley, which this week is hosting its flagship annual event, TC3 (Telecom Council Carrier Connections). Bringing together Bay Area representatives from major operators, device companies and application providers worldwide, TC3 is a showcase for operator requirements, various experts from rapidly converging areas of wireless, and views from the future.
Today, Jim Nolan, Executive Vice President, InterDigital Solutions, joined Telecom Council head Derek Kerton to discuss 5G, the array of technologies – and there are many – that will contribute to establishing the network of the future. Part of his discussion was around 60GHz and millimeter wave as well as Network-as-a-Service, which is an increasing trend that InterDigital is very focused on.
“It’s evolving towards what we call The Living Network, which is when devices are able to self-provision, networks are able to self-optimize, and all the other sensors and devices the user is accessing are able to drive data that delivers an immersive user experience but also integrates the user’s and connection’s context into service,” said Jim.
For more information on InterDigital’s 5G, millimeter wave and 60GHz research, make sure to visit the InterDigital Vault at