
InterDigital to Collaborate with Columbia University on National Science Foundation Research Grant

Sep 2014/ Posted By: Stephanie Stocker

<p>Three professors from <a class="offsite" href="">Columbia University</a>, in collaboration with InterDigital&rsquo;s Dr. Ariela Zeira as the industrial principal co-investigator, have been awarded a $750,000 three-year grant from the <a class="offsite" href="">National Science Foundation</a> (NSF) Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS) Program for a project titled &ldquo;Low-Power, Multi-Tiered, Shared-Spectrum Access Terminals using Compressive Scanning and On-Top-of-CMOS BAW Filter Banks.&rdquo;</p>
<p>This project will evaluate challenges that exist in a multi-tiered, shared-spectrum access communication system. The research will focus on using tier-3 cognitive radio terminals to dynamically leverage spectrum that is being underutilized at the time. InterDigital&rsquo;s industrial partnership will provide the research professors with real-world application expertise and system integration knowledge.</p>
<p>To learn more about the research grant, visit: <a class="offsite" href=";HistoricalAwards=false">;HistoricalAwards=false</a>.</p>