Leading the Evolution of Telecom Network Architectures

Leading the Evolution of Telecom Network Architectures

Leading the Evolution of Telecom Network Architectures

August 14, 2014 / IEEE, IoT, M2M, oneM2M, SDN / Posted By: Meghan Carney

In the July issue of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Alex Reznik, Senior Principal Engineer, InterDigital Labs, participated as a guest editor for the Feature Topic entitled, Research and standards: Leading the evolution of telecom network architectures.  In total, 38 papers were submitted, all focused on ways to rethink mobile network architectures and protocols.  After review, the top seven papers were chosen and are highlighted in the current edition.

Included in the Feature Topic is An Architecture for Software Defined Wireless Networking, a paper which explores applying a traditionally wired networking technique, Software Defined Networking (SDN), to a wireless environment.  Juan Carlos Zuinga, InterDigital Principal Engineer, and Hao Jin, InterDigital Senior Engineer, along with the other contributing authors, explain that using an SDN-like approach in wireless mobile networks will push improvements beyond that of the wired case by leveraging distinct features of mobile deployments.  This article is also featured as IEEE’s Article of the month.

Toward A Standardized Common M2M Service Layer Platform: Introduction to OneM2M was also chosen as one of the articles in the July edition.  InterDigital’s Guang Lu assists in telling the OneM2M story – the next evolution in M2M connections.  In this article, the authors introduce the OneM2M Global Initiative, an international partnership project aimed at creating globally applicable and access-independent M2M service layer specifications related to M2M solutions. The authors explore use-cases, system architectures, and requirements for OneM2M.

Visit IEEExplore to read the latest issue of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine and find the full articles mentioned above.