Mobilizing America: Making 5G an Opportunity for Broad-Based Progress

Mobilizing America: Making 5G an Opportunity for Broad-Based Progress

Sep 2015/ Posted By: Kelly Capizzi

<p>A new report by Jim Kohlenberger, President of JK Strategies and former Chief of Staff in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, examines the power and promise of 5G technology, as well as policy recommendations to maximize the social benefits of 5G. InterDigital wasn&rsquo;t involved in the report but we are, as always, interested in developments related to 5G research. &nbsp;</p>
<p>&ldquo;<a href="">Mobilizing America: Accelerating Next Generation Wireless Opportunities Everywhere</a>&rdquo; proposes a comprehensive strategy to ensure U.S. global leadership in the wireless revolution. &nbsp;</p>
<p>&ldquo;The next wireless revolution will need to be about more than blazing fast speeds,&rdquo; says advocacy group&nbsp;<a href="">Mobile Future,</a> which commissioned the report. The 5G revolution is also an opportunity to address the nation&rsquo;s toughest challenges; accelerate access to more spectrum; lower barriers to mobile investment; revive American R&amp;D; and fill the talent pipeline. &nbsp;</p>
<p>Echoing the conclusions of the recent&nbsp;<a href="">TIA 5G Operator Survey</a> (which was sponsored by InterDigital), the report points to several signs that other countries are working to surpass the United States in 5G innovation, including Europe&rsquo;s investment in a 5G Public-Private Partnership, South Korea&rsquo;s plans to launch a 5G trial network when it hosts the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, and China&rsquo;s creation of an interagency &ldquo;promotion group&rdquo; to coordinate 5G activities among industry and academia. &nbsp;</p>
<p>Mobile Future will host a&nbsp;<a href=";id=b7f5362b6a&amp;e=8cdb1487ee">free webinar</a> on its report, featuring Kohlenberger and Mobile Future Chair Jonathan Spalter, on Friday, October 2, at 1:00 pm.</p>