STONW 2016 Panel Talks Internet of Things Future
The Internet of Things is here and continues to evolve at an exponential rate. However, as it evolves more and more challenges are realized. So what are some of the ways we can help support the growing IoT? Spectrum sharing like Wi-Fi… stated InterDigital’s Juan Carlos Zuñiga, Principal Engineer, at State of the Net Wireless 2016 on Monday.
The conference was the second installment in the State of the Net, America’s premier Internet policy conference series. State of the Net Wireless (STONW) brings together top government officials and private sector experts to address the trends and policies shaping wireless Internet technologies such as mobile advertising, the Internet of Things, mobile data consumption, and wireless broadband.
Juan Carlos’ statement on spectrum comes from his participation in an STONW panel titled “How Can We Make the Internet of Things the Innovation of Things?” The panelists included experts from Internet Society and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration along with Juan Carlos. The experts explored IoT challenges that ranged from privacy and security to spectrum and battery life. And answered questions such as are policymakers and industry prepared for the future, and will there be a smooth transition to the Innovation of Things?
Watch the full panel below or click here for more information: