XCellAir featured in large scale small cell deployment article by ThinkSmallCell

XCellAir featured in large scale small cell deployment article by ThinkSmallCell

XCellAir featured in large scale small cell deployment article by ThinkSmallCell

April 2, 2015 / small cell, Wi-Fi, LTE, Carrier Wi-Fi, SON / Posted By: Kelly Capizzi

ThinkSmallCell featured two companies that have raised the profile on how to manage large scale small cell deployments in its recent article, Managing Large Scale Small Cell Deployments – and XCellAir, an InterDigital commercial initiative, is one of them.

In the article, ThinkSmallCell, a leading resource website for those involved in the mobile phone industry, covers potential future features and required characteristics with the expansion of small cell deployment and its interwork with Carrier Wi-Fi. XCellAir is highlighted in regard to their view of the solution space encompassing both Wi-Fi and cellular as well as their entirely cloud-based solution.

XCellAir offers one of the industry's first cloud-based, multi-vendor, multi-technology mobile network management and optimization solutions. Their strategic ecosystem features a network comprised of Wi-Fi access points and LTE small cell vendors, as well as self-organizing network (SON) suppliers that will help wireless service providers unlock untapped potential of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) consisting of Wi-Fi and / or cellular small cells.

To learn more about the solution, please visit xcellair.com