Blockchain-enabled 5G/6G Wireless Systems, Use Cases and Enabler

Blockchain-enabled 5G/6G Wireless Systems, Use Cases and Enabler

Research Paper  /  Dec 2020 / 5G, 6G, Wireless communication

Blockchain technology is a technology that jointly leverages and builds on top of a few existing techniques such as cryptography, hashing, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking, smart contract, and consensus protocols. Fully distributed control and management capability of the 5G/6G wireless systems may be enabled by blockchain technology, especially in the untrusted environment at the network edge. In this talk, I would like to present the current progress of blockchain technology and its applications for enabling 5G wireless system and beyond. In the meantime, various vertical use cases will also be discussed such as blockchain for IoT, Industry 4.0, distributed AI, etc.