Overview of Color Gamut Scalability

Overview of Color Gamut Scalability

Research Paper  /  Aug 2016 / Image Processing, Video Coding, Color Management

Displays' new rendering capabilities combined with the ever-growing number of video applications have fueled the emergence of new video formats addressing wider color gamut and larger frame size. Thus, the need in scalable compression technology to provide backward compatibility with legacy devices and capitalize on the superior compression performance of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has increased significantly. This paper gives an overview of the work carried out in the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding of ITU-T Study Group 16 (VCEG) and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 motion picture experts group (MPEG) to define scalable extensions of HEVC (SHVC) targeting these market requirements. The color gamut scalability (CGS) tool of SHVC is specially designed to support efficient scalable coding with multiple layers in different color spaces. The genesis of the SHVC-CGS tool is presented and the performance of the various proposals is compared. Finally, the design of the recently adopted SHVC-CGS inter-layer prediction is detailed. The experimental results validate its efficiency in coding video with extended color gamut and high dynamic range.