Analysing elements of styles from annotated film clips

Analysing elements of styles from annotated film clips

Analysing elements of styles from annotated film clips
Research Paper / Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing 2017 / Apr 2017 / Computer Graphics, Machine/Deep Learning/AI

This paper presents an open database of annotated film clips together with an analysis of elements of film style related to how the shots are composed, how the transitions are performed between shots and how the shots are sequenced to compose a film unit. The purpose is to initiate a shared repository pertaining to elements of film style which can be used by computer scientists and film analysts alike. Though both research communities rely strongly on the availability of such information to foster their findings, current databases are either limited to low-level features (such as shots lengths, color and luminance information), contain noisy data, or are not available to the communities. The data and analysis we provide open exciting perspectives as to how computational approaches can rely more thoroughly on information and knowledge extracted from existing movies, and also provide a better understanding of how elements of style are arranged to construct a consistent message.