Public and Non-Public Network Integration for 5Growth Industry 4.0 Use Cases

Public and Non-Public Network Integration for 5Growth Industry 4.0 Use Cases

Building upon on a digital transformation, Industry 4.0 (I4.0) aims to build the factories of the future, which feature additional flexibility, increasingly connected infrastructures and automated processes. 5G is playing a paramount role in this transformation, as it can offer high bandwidth, reliable and low latency wireless connectivity to meet the stringent and critical performance requirements of the manufacturing processes. This work analyzes the applicability of 5G technologies as key enablers to support, enhance and even enable novel advances in the I4.0, particularly into two relevant use cases related to metrology and quality control. The 5Growth platform, an AI-driven automated and shareable 5G End-to-End platform, sets out to address the identified architectural and operational challenges. Several innovations, being developed on this platform, can be exploited to support a fully automated service deployment and an integration of the verticals’ private networks with public operators’ networks. This platform is then leveraged to implement the selected I4.0 use cases, providing the basis to assess the applicability and introduced benefits of 5G technologies.