Towards a Perceptually-Motivated Color Space for High Dynamic Range Imaging
To reproduce the appearance of real world scenes, a number of color appearance models have been proposed thanks to adapted psycho-visual experiments. Most of them were designed and intended for a limited dynamic range, or address only dynamic range compression applications. However, given the increasing availability of displays with higher luminance and contrast ranges, a detailed analysis of appearance attributes is also necessary for dynamic range expansion scenarios. In this study, we propose a psycho-visual experimental setup, designed by adapting and combining the adjustment and partition scaling methodologies, which we employ for measuring perceptual colorfulness of color patches with different levels of lightness, chroma and hue. The proposed setup reduces the complexity and increases the efficiency relative to previous experimental setups and allows both expert and non-expert participants to be included. From the collected data, a modified color space is obtained and a new saturation model for dynamic range compression and expansion is derived for high dynamic range imaging.