Metagrating solutions for full color single-plate waveguide combiner

Metagrating solutions for full color single-plate waveguide combiner

Research Paper  /  Feb 2022 / Immersive/AR/VR/MR, Image Processing

In this work we propose several full-color metagrating solutions for single waveguide-based Augmented and Virtual Reality near-eye display systems. The presented solutions are based on a combination of reflective and/or transmissive diffraction gratings inside or outside a waveguide. The proposed designs have high intensity across a wide angular range. Applying our new solution, we can provide good gathering of diffracted rays for the different colors. We demonstrate that by using a dual-mode symmetrical in-coupling system and angular pupil tiling, we can extend the overall horizontal FoV for three RGB colors. The new characteristics of the full single waveguide system including EPE and out-coupling components compatible with the proposed in-coupling solutions are discussed. We show that a new nonsymmetrical design of metagratings can be used to change its diffraction properties improving the diffraction efficiency and diffraction uniformity.